Monday, July 18, 2011

Love is Good

K and I were married last weekend, and I feel pretty darn lucky about how everything went. 
Not only was it a beautiful day, but our friends and family we're all such a big part of it. 
From the music to the food, to the flowers and even my dress! 
It was completely perfect. 
And even though I thought I would be strong, I was full of tears (and also champagne)
I'm not going to lie though, I'm so glad it's over.  
I wouldn't change anything about it, but it was a lot of work and stress.
Getting married is a defining moment in your life, and a good friend of mine summed it up perfectly by saying, "you don't know what it means to a person, or how important of a day it is until you've been married yourself." 
I couldn't agree more

We leave in the morning for a jaunt through Turkey & Greece!
I'm excited to spend some quality time with K while trekking through places neither of us have seen. 
We'll try to post as much as possible, so feel free to check back for updates! 


  1. I have been involved in weddings for 18 years and I must admit that this wedding is at the top of perfection! The other wedding being Kris' brothers wedding.
    Everything was perfect, just like Bri stated earlier. Food, flowers, friends and the most perfect weather you can imagine. And nothing was more beautiful than the bride and her handsome groom!
    Love to you both.
    Always mom
