Monday, June 11, 2012

Weekend Goodness

I hope your weekend was full of goodness!

Mine started off a little weak - with a 4.5 hour drive back from Seattle.  That drive should really only take 3 hours, and when you have to do it twice a week it's rather irritating when it's anything longer.  Far fetched thought, but it would be awesome if the US had lots of speed trains. 

The weekend went up from there though!  K and I got to nibble on some sweet and chubby baby thighs, watch a friend and K's fellow band mate play at a wine bar while drinking ridiculously expensive port (he's amazing, and you can check his stuff out here), have lazy mornings with good coffee and puppy snuggles and an overall awesome BBQ with some friends and family while 3 crazy kids ran around chasing the said puppy.   Sweet goodness.

Oh, and I have officially learned one entire song on the Mandi - my fingers are raw and it sounds horrible, but a good start to learning the instrument.  :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Seriously Lacking

I have been seriously lacking on the blog front...for the last 10 months.  And I'm not going to kid myself, I wasn't too good in the first place.  But, I made myself a New Years resolution (yes, I realize New Years was 6 months ago), to continue to make this blog better and better and I think I may be in a place to finally start doing just that. 

It's been a crazy few months!  I recently received a promotion at work which brings additional travel including one very exciting trip to the Baltic this summer, our nephew was born (which is a whole story in itself, but you can see sweet pics of him here), K & I bought a house AND a puppy in the same weekend, and every day life just tends to make things busy. 

I'm excited to get this thing going again, because I have some awesome pics, recipes, music and travel coming up to share!  Let's just see how long it lasts. 

In the mean-time, check out our new pooch & our new house!